02 March, 2011

Jason Wu

Младият дизайнер Jason Wu превзе модния свят още през 2006 година. Няма как да не сте чували за него, та самата Мишел Обама носи негова рокля. Тази година той пусна и аксесоари в колекцията си. Всяка една от чантите и обувките са ръчно изработени в Италия. Много е талантлив! Почти няма нещо, което да не ми харесва в колекциите му.
Besides Ms. Obama, my favorite first lady would be Nancy Reagan. She wore James Galanos. So chic! I admire any woman who isn't afraid to wear a great dress and still be in a powerful position.

The best color for all skin tones is fuchsia. It's great for darker skin and light skin. There is a particular shade of magenta that has a little purple in it that I find myself going back to every season.
In my office, it's all about mixing the old and the new. I worked with interior designer Jesse Carrier to merge raw, industrial elements of the space with found items like 19th-century doors from upstate New York and Charme chairs from DDC. My home is a little bit more modern. I like colorful furniture.
The secret to good health is green tea. I quit coffee. Three months and counting! Now I love the strawberry-infused green tea from Argo. I drink it every day.
If I wasn't a designer, I'd be a pastry chef. It has a lot of the same qualities as design. You eat with your eyes first, and when I make dishes, presentation is just as important as taste.

The best restaurants in New York are Taisho in the East Village for yakitori and Momofuku Milk Bar. The compost cookie is my favorite thing to get. It's made with potato chips and pretzels. It's everything you'd want in one cookie.
My favorite shop is Ochre, a contemporary furniture and lighting shop in SoHo. My favorite piece of furniture is the chandelier in my office and it's from there. I also love John Derian in the East Village. I give his decoupage as gifts all the time.
If I could own one piece of art it would be an original by fashion illustrator René Gruau. I've been obsessed with his work since I was in my teens. He used a lot of bold colors and shapes and the women he drew had such sensuality. There is always a little bit of him in my collections.
When I go home to Taiwan, I love visiting the little street food vendors for dumplings.
I never forget to pack my sketchbook. I'm always doodling. The owl icon, which is on all of my bags and shoes, came from me drawing a little face in the "O" of my logo. It gives it a little quirkiness and humor, which I think is always needed in fashion.
I've never been trend focused but I think turbans are a great new way to accessorize the head. They've been dormant, but they're making a strong comeback for spring. I also love high-waisted trousers, which were predominant in the '40s and '70s.
A true style icon is Anna Karina. She was the sexier, lesser-known gamine of Godard's films, but she was so chic with her heavy fringe.
I love fresh flowers. They're one of my favorite things, especially peonies and white roses. I also love the scent of pomegranates.
One bad habit is my sweet tooth. My friend [stylist] Kate Young got me a subscription to MilkMade, which is a local ice cream delivery service. You can choose a flavor every month. I'm getting Kahlua with coffee and chocolate chips now. It's being sent to my office because I'm always here!
My secret skill is cooking. I make a good macaroni and cheese with truffles and I bake berry pies. I'm a not-so-secret homemaker.

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