11 November, 2010

Young Mickey Rourke

One of the greatest actors ever for me. He used to be so handsome and charming... I love his character in "Nine and a half weeks".


  1. We gotta say....he was the one

  2. Wow, I had forgotten how good looking he was. It's a shame what his boxing did to him. Reminds me of Bruce Willis in his younger years.

  3. It makes me sad to see that his beautiful face was destroyed. He had such a nice cheeky smile.

  4. I was truly crazy about his handsome rugged good looks. Then he decided he needed plastic surgery. Now he looks like melted plastic. Too bad, because he was an incredible leading man and made the screen sizzle.

  5. i still find him tremendously sexy. but then i have a thing for men with imperfections.

  6. Imagine how handsome this incredible face would have been if left along to age naturally. Silly man just didn't understand how much better real men get with age.

  7. I really liked him years ago. He had a cool about him
